 Single Flowpack Lilalou
Personalised flowpack filled with 1 healthy biscuit of Lilalou (5,1 G). Available in different flavours.

Individually packed belgian biscuit with high quality ingredients personalised with your logo.

Mini flow pack of personalised sweets. Also available in sugar-free or with stevia extract.
Personalised white or transparent sachet filled with Jelly bears.

Golden like basket filled with chocolates, sweets and toffees with personalised card.

Personalised classic double twisted sweets.
Soft sweets double twist
Personallised mini-sweets with double twisted wrapper.
Flowpack sweets personalised
Jelly bean in a personalised flow pack
Personalised round lollipop
Flat, round lollipop with personalised wrapper. 10g Also available in sugarfree or with Stevia extract.
Chocolate printed biscuits

Fortune cookie with a message inside, personalised card or foil are possible