Mini snack sachet
Flow pack personalizado com lanche de trigo integral com deliciosas ervas, sementes e massa azeda, ideal para um pequeno snack entre as refeições.
Ginger shot bottle
Garrafa de vidro com rótulo personalizado e cheia com shot de bebida orgânica à base de gengibre
Crackers Bag
Bolachas de alta qualidade em saco personalizado. Disponível em 2 sabores - Orégano, Sal marinho e Cúrcuma - Pimenta Preta
Nutmix bag
Mistura de frutos secos de alta qualidade em saco personalizado. Disponível em 3 sabores - Curry e tomilho - Ras El Hanout - Soja Gergelim

100% natural boiled sweets. No preservatives, no coloring. Natural fruit or vegetable flavors. Available in Green apple, mandarin and strawberry flavor.

3D Ice lollipop - personalised.

Sustainable certified organic cotton tote bag with large open main compartment. Features two handles with a dropdown height of 32 cm.

Ruby chocolate pink ribbon in 100% biodagradable foil.

Chocolate car in 100% biodagradable foil. Milk, dark or white chocolate.

10 g peanuts core in milk chocolate, coates with sugar shell in 100% biodagradable packaging.

Peanuts in caramel 25 g in 100% biodagradable packaging.

Sustainable drawstring bag with large main compartment and cotton drawstring closure. Certified organic cotton bag.

A personalised box containing 15 Leonidas Chocolate Balls.

Personalised pouch containing 10 Leonidas chocolate footballs.

Personalised box with 2 Leonidas chocolate footballs.

Personalised mini football display. Personalised box. Milk chocolate/ standard foil.

Football - milk chocolate - 9g in a personalised flowpack.

A personalised white can filled with mini-Dextro energy tabs (± 65 g).

Transparent bag with a personalised label filled with 35 g popcorn.