Een gepersonaliseerde snoeprol met 14 tabletten (munt of fruit)

King Pastilles with a personalised label.

Blister with 10 King pastilles in a personalised sleeve.

A personalised pouch containing a blister with 10 dextro pastilles.

Tic Tac Fresh mints/oranje in een doorzichtig doosje.

Zwart kartonnen doosje gevuld met 10 Macarons (verkrijgbaar in 15 verschillende kleuren) die wordt afgesloten met een transparant micadeksel.

Transparent basket filled with ca 60g sweet popcorn.

A personalised pouch ± 75 g with crispy peanuts.

Sugar figures in a personalised transparent flowpack

Transparent bottle with personalised label with ingredients for self-made cookies.

Personalised triangle sachet with chocolte pastilles (for melting).

Personalised Beer Box with 4 bottles of Beer (33cl)

Personalised jam pots. 40 g

Personlaised box with 3 personlaised jar pots. Mix flavours ; cherry, strawberry and berry.

Personalised air bubble eye-catching case. Various fillings available.

Multi-vitamine drink (250 ml) in a can with personalised label.

XL Jute bag. Different fillings possible (chocolate coins, sweets, biscuits, ...)


Personalised box with various filling options.

Metal tin available in mat grey, white or silver. Filled with ca. 20g of mints or chewing gum or heart shaped mints.

1 macaron in a transparant flowpack.