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Personalisierte Schachtel gefüllt mit 1 belgischen Schokoladen-Osterei.
Oster-Einkaufstasche gefüllt mit belgischen Schokoladen-Ostereiern.
Gift set with a personalised cup (including mini bunny) and filled with ca 200gr of easter eggs.
Chocolate Easter bunny in a personalised foil.
Personalised metallic can with Guylian's Temptations. Optional: various filling options.
Chocolate bar 100g wrapped in a personalised box.
20g rectangular chocolate enclosed in a personalised wrap. Available in milk chocolate.
Personalised table advent calendar. 24 doors with Christmas shaped chocolates.
Personalised painting can filled with Belgian pralines.
A 'house' box filled with Belgian pralines mix (milk, dark, white) in flow pack and a personalised card.
A Christmas ball filled with Belgian prallies in a flow pack (mix dark, milk, white)) with a personalised card.