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Personalised blister containing one miniature bottle Tabasco brand pepper sauce.

30 g of peanuts (salted) in a personalised bag .

Water bottle with direct print on the bottle or full wrap as from 300 pieces.

A complete personalised sleeve around a wine bottle (European ; French or Spanish).

A complete personalised sleeve around a sparkling wine bottle ( Luxembourg 8,5° or 11,5°).

A complete personalised sleeve around a champagne bottle ( French Champagne or Laurent Perrier).

Personalised can filled with ca. 30 g pretzels.

Black cardboard box filled with 10 Macarons (available in 15 different colours) which is closed with a transparent mica lid.

Transparent basket filled with ca 60g sweet popcorn.

A personalised pouch ± 75 g with crispy peanuts.

Sugar figures in a personalised transparent flowpack

Transparent bottle with personalised label with ingredients for self-made cookies.

Personalised triangle sachet with chocolte pastilles (for melting).

Personalised Beer Box with 4 bottles of Beer (33cl)

Personalised jam pots. 40 g

Personlaised box with 3 personlaised jar pots. Mix flavours ; cherry, strawberry and berry.

Personalised air bubble eye-catching case. Various fillings available.

Multi-vitamine drink (250 ml) in a can with personalised label.

XL Jute bag. Different fillings possible (chocolate coins, sweets, biscuits, ...)

1 macaron in a transparant flowpack.