Own shape tea bag
Own shape tea bag
Saco de chá personalizado. Recheado com 1,5g de chá para 1 dose.
Granola perz. Bag
Saco personalizado com mistura de granola premium - sem adição de açúcares
Mini snack sachet
Flow pack personalizado com lanche de trigo integral com deliciosas ervas, sementes e massa azeda, ideal para um pequeno snack entre as refeições.
Ginger shot bottle
Garrafa de vidro com rótulo personalizado e cheia com shot de bebida orgânica à base de gengibre
Crackers Bag
Bolachas de alta qualidade em saco personalizado. Disponível em 2 sabores - Orégano, Sal marinho e Cúrcuma - Pimenta Preta
Nutmix bag
Mistura de frutos secos de alta qualidade em saco personalizado. Disponível em 3 sabores - Curry e tomilho - Ras El Hanout - Soja Gergelim

Personalised Belgian premium beer.

Cone sachet filled with 35 g of popcorn (sweet or salted) personalised with a full colour label.

Personalised box filled with Velvet Heart box filled with Leonidas pralines and closed with a (personalised) ribbon and a JBL music box.

Gift Set Apéro

Leonidas gift tray small

Leonidas gift tray big

Leonidas magnet box

Luxe Apero giftbox

Create your assortment

Add your product to a bottle. Different fillings options:

Giftbox filled with 6 macarons and a personalised sleeve.

Giftbox filled with12 macarons and a personalised sleeve.

Sustainable certified organic cotton tote bag with large open main compartment. Features two handles with a dropdown height of 32 cm.

Sustainable drawstring bag with large main compartment and cotton drawstring closure. Certified organic cotton bag.