Own shape tea bag
Own shape tea bag
Individual dose personalised tea bag own shape. 1 portion of tea
OTH-084 Pretzel Sachet personalised
Assortment of salty snacks and crackers or salty pretzels in a variety of shapes, packed in a personalised bag.
Chocolate bar 45-50g with a personalised label. Available in 6 flavours.
 Single Flowpack Lilalou
Personalised flowpack filled with 1 healthy biscuit of Lilalou (5,1 G). Available in different flavours.
Personalised white or transparent sachet filled with Jelly bears.
Flowpack sweets personalised
Napolitains of 5 g in gold or silver aluminium foil and wrapped in a personalised label.
Rectangular Chocolates in aluminium foil and wrapped in a personalised label. Available in milk or dark chocolate.
Personalised classic double twisted mint. Also available in sugar-free or with stevia extract.
Mini flow pack of personalised sweets. Also available in sugar-free or with stevia extract.
Personalised classic double twisted sweets.
Soft sweets double twist
Personalised Sugar & Milk Sticks
Personalised flowpack with a nut mix bar ( ca 25 g)
Personalised extra small sugar sticks
Personallised mini-sweets with double twisted wrapper.
Jelly bean in a personalised flow pack
Personalised round lollipop
Flat, round lollipop with personalised wrapper. 10g Also available in sugarfree or with Stevia extract.
One Mentos in a personalised flow pack (mint or fruit)